What is pilates?


It falls under the same mind-body umbrella as the disciplines of Feldenkrais, Alexandra Technique, and yoga. Pilates is named after its founder Joseph Pilates who  formulated  the exercises and the equipment  routines  in the 1920s. Although the techniques may take you outside your comfort zone at times, the benefits are, that you begin to understand and appreciate not only your strengths, but also your weaknesses.
The rewards are numerous and include:  

  • Longer leaner toned muscles
  • Better posture
  • A healthier back
  • A better body shape
  • A calm mind
  • Core strength and stability
  • Injury prevention
  • Improved balance and coordination
  • Effective post rehabilitation
  • Increased self confidence

Pilates focuses on stabilizing and strengthening the core of the body (the  lower back and abdomen), and  these core muscles support the body during all exercises. This principal makes Pilates extremely functional.
Pilates movements are based on QUALITY not quantity.
Correct posture, alignment, control and form are all important. So therefore the focus is on fewer repetitions with more precision.

Recommended by therapist and the medical profession, the Pilates Method can be integrated into rehabilitation and fitness programs both during and post injury,
Pilates has been the first exercise choice for many, like myself, who have injured their backs, and I also see it as an excellent preventative technique that will strengthen your body against potential injury.  

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